Who is CGA?
Learn about who CGA Law Firm is and what we stand for.
Bankruptcy Videos:
Why Choose CGA to File for Bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy:
Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Pennsylvania.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy:
Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Pennsylvania.
Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy
Brent Diefenderfer discusses using bankruptcy as a tool to stop a Sheriff’s Sale on your house, as well as how it can possibly help you keep your house.
Legal Lines:
Legal Lines – Mid Penn Legal Services:
Hosted by Glenn Smith. Glen interviews outgoing Legal Lines host Tom O’Shea about Mid Penn Legal Services. Mr O’Shea is President of Mid Penn which covers the mid Pennsylvania region and provides civil legal services to low income individuals. recorded February 5, 2018. Program #65.
Legal Lines – Children, Youth and Family:
Hosted by Tom O’Shea. Tom interviews Kristopher Accardi, Assistant Solicitor for the York County Office of Children, Youth & Family about their services. Recorded on October 23, 2018.