Residential Real Estate Lawyers in Central Pennsylvania

Looking Out For Your Best Interest

Our Residential Real Estate Attorneys Assist with Home Buying, Selling or Leasing

CGA Law Firm’s Real Estate team provides legal representation to home buyers and sellers. Our experienced attorneys offer legal advice regarding the purchase and sale of single-family homes, townhomes, and condominiums. In addition, we handle many other real estate transactions including mortgage refinances, leases, installment sales agreements, and for sale by owner (FSBO) agreements.

Who Do Our Real Estate Lawyers Represent?

  • Architects & Engineers: Assisting with contracts and legal matters related to residential property designs and developments.
  • Buyers: Guiding you through the legal process of purchasing a home, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction.
  • Contractors: Offering legal support for construction agreements and residential building projects.
  • Property Owners: Providing legal advice for managing, leasing, or resolving disputes involving residential properties.
  • Realtors: Supporting real estate professionals with contracts, negotiations, and compliance in residential transactions.
  • Sellers: Helping navigate the legal complexities of selling residential properties with confidence.

    CGA Law Provides the Following Residential Real Estate Services:

    • Residential Construction Agreement
      CGA assists many new home buyers with the negotiation of and explanation of the terms contained in residential home Construction Agreements. These Agreements are typically prepared by the new home construction companies and are typically one-sided in favor of the contractor. As such, Construction Agreements contain numerous provisions and risks which new home buyers should be alerted to.
    • Deed Preparation and Recording
      CGA is experienced at preparing residential Deeds and recording them in the respective County Recorder of Deeds Offices throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This includes preparing Deeds from subdivision plans for newly created parcels. 
    • Residential Agreement of Sale
      CGA is very experienced at preparing and negotiating residential Agreements of Sale, whether representing the Purchaser or the Seller.
    • Lease Preparation and Review
      CGA is very experienced at preparing and negotiating residential leases, whether representing Landlords or Tenants.
    • Mortgage Foreclosure
      CGA represents lenders in the mortgage foreclosure process when their borrowers are in default of their loans.
    • Quiet Title Action
      CGA has a great deal of experience in filing quiet title actions for property owners in need of establishing their ownership or rights to utilize land and/or to extinguish the rights of third parties with claims for entitlement to possess or utilize another’s property.
    • Right of Ways and Easement Agreements.
      CGA is very experienced at preparing and negotiating Rights of Ways and Easement Agreements between multiple property owners outlining their rights and responsibilities for vehicular access, pedestrian access and any other forms of usage or property enjoyment which needs to be evidenced in writing.
    • Real Estate Development and Financing
      CGA is very experienced in assisting residential real estate developers and contractors in acquiring, subdividing, developing and obtaining financing for their residential projects.
    • ZONING
      CGA is very experienced with working with Pennsylvania Municipalities including, Counties, Cities, Townships and Boroughs with regards to rezoning real estate parcels and obtaining variances, conditional uses and special exceptions for all types of properties.
    • Real Estate Tax Assessment Appeals.
      CGA and its attorneys are very experienced at representing residential property owners through the Tax Assessment Appeal process to reduce the real estate taxes levied against their homes.

    If you are looking to buy, sell, or lease a home, please contact CGA Law Firm’s Residential Real Estate Lawyers to represent you in your next real estate transaction at (717) 848-4900 or
