Posts Tagged ‘help for farmers’

York County’s Agricultural Land Preservation Program is Currently Receiving Applications

access_time Posted on: January 19th, 2022

York County’s Agricultural Land Preservation Program is currently receiving applications for their 2022-2023 preservation program. Applications for farms can be submitted through February 15, 2022, for the ranking process. The highest-scoring farms will be offered for preservation. Qualifying farms should be a minimum of fifty acres in size or adjacent to another preserved property, and must meet program requirements regarding soil quality, production and other criteria. Landowners should submit their completed application (available at, and can consult with the Program staff office at 2401 Pleasant Valley Road, or at (717)-840-7400 for details and requirements. The York County Agricultural Land… read more »

COVID-19 Update: Changes to FSA Farm Loan, Disaster, Conservation, and Safety Net Programs

access_time Posted on: April 7th, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Changes to FSA Farm Loan, Disaster, Conservation, and Safety Net Programs USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) county offices are available by phone to continue helping agricultural producers with loan servicing, program signups, and other important actions. The FSA is also loosening the loan-making process and adding flexibility to servicing loans to provide credit to producers in need. FSA programs and services include: Farm loans;Commodity loans;Farm Storage Facility Loan program;Conservation programs; Safety net programs (including 2020 signup for the Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs);Disaster assistance programs (including signup for the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus);Acreage… read more »